Thursday, March 10, 2016

Counting by 7's

Pages 220-250

Prompt:What surprises you in this story? Explain why. 2.)Think of a problem that a character had to face. Write the problem and how the character solved it or is working to solve it. If you were that character, what would you do differently?

            One of the most surprising thing so far in the book is the fact that Willow went to live with with her Vietnamese friend Quang-ha. The reason that this surprised me was the fact that usually in movies and other entertainment Willow would have gone with a dysfunctional relative. While instead Willow has to learn a new language just to communicate with the family that she needed to talk to. Willow also needs to able to adapt to her new surroundings as her new "family" are of different culture. Which ends up causing her to have to learn more of this family's culture. 

            Another part of the book that surprised me was the fact that killing Willow's parents was a true surprise. The reason that I was surprised was the fact that in most book many character's family parents are never touched. This surprised me as the family was killed off in the first chapter. Even in book were parent or characters are killed off it is foreshadowed or developed, but the characters are just killed. The final reason that this surprised me was the fact that you do not get to see what happens to her parents for over twenty chapters.

            The biggest problem that Willow had to deal with was not having to go to a foster home. For Willow not to go to a foster home she has to lie and say that a family friend will be taking care of her. Then she needs to clean and use her counselor's home to say that her family's is living their. While Willow is actually living wither her Vietnamese friend. I believe that if i was in the same situation I would just use my house instead of using my counselor's house as that would she to invasive of his property. 


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