Thursday, January 21, 2016

To Kill A Mockingbird Book vs Movie 1-21-16

To Kill A Mockingbird

Pages 0-373

Prompt:  1.)What do you think is the most important difference between the written and filmed version? Provide evidence with specific details. 2.)How would you prove or disprove that one version of To Kill A Mockingbird is more affective in delivering its message than the other? Be sure to provide specific pieces of evidence to support your opinion. 3.)What is the purpose in having different versions of a story? Think about how different versions contribute to the overall understanding and interpretation of that piece of work. Use specific concepts to support your opinion.

        I think that the biggest difference between the book and the movie of To Kill A Mockingbird is that Scout never learns what Maycomb's usual disease. Scout's cousin Francis calls Scout's dad a jogger lover. Which causes Scout to punch Francis and gets in trouble and her uncle comes to talk about Maycombs disease racism.  This shown on page 87 were it  stated  "Why reasonable people go stark raving mad when anything involving a Negro come up..." Without Scout learning Maycomb's usual disease Scout does not learn about empathy as much. Even though she learned about empathy without Maycombs usual disease she does not learn about empatny as the racism is put as a disease.

        I believe that the book is able to convey the message of treating people like you want to be treated or empathy. In the movie it uses the technic of show not tell. Which makes it more enjoyable with less exposition, but with less exposition it make the message is less understandable. On page 373 Scout says "Atticus was right."  “ never really know a man until you standin his shoes and walk around in them" This quote nearly states that the message is to empathizes with other as the old saying you do not know a person until you walk a mile in their shoes. 

        The purpose of having different versions of a story is that you can have two interpretations. The importance of two different versions is that the movie uses the technique of show not tell and the message is implied and nearly stats, but you still have to think about it. While the book nearly states the message of the book on page 373 were scout says "Atticus was right."  “ never really know a man until you standin his shoes and walk around in them" The movie as well uses the important from the book which allows people to see the important part and not the filler that is not needed.

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