Tuesday, February 16, 2016

AOW walk around 2/14/16

WWhile walking around in around during our A.O.W discussion I found some every intestine topics. One of the interesting things that I learned was that a 14 Holocaust survivors are suing Hungary in an American court. The survivors are suing the country because they were forced out of their houses and their belonging were taken away from them. If the Hungarian government lose the lawsuit they will owe billions of dollars to the survivors. The reason for the survivors suing in the U.S is that America is one of the few countries that has a law that allow for people to sue other country. 

    Another article that I found interesting was finding out that Jewish survivors wanted to help out Muslim refugees. I thought it was interesting do to the fact that it shows how people that go through similar experience tend to relate. I found it amazing how it takes some one that has lived through the misery to understand why they needed help.  We should try to follow the example of the Jews as they want to help the refugees, why can’t we be the same. 

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