Friday, February 5, 2016

Holocaust blog

I think the biggest restriction that I would have the most trouble would be living without school. Even though sometimes I do not feel as though I want to go to school that is the time I get to hangout with my friend. As well that is where I get to learn most of the things that have helped me out in live even if not all them were taught by a teacher. Without school I as well would not get to social which is an important live schools. 

A learned that through the twelve years that Hiller was in power he took many of their rights slowly.  The first year that Hitler was Chancellor he introduced twelve new laws that took a small amount of rights of the Jew. Then the next year only a few laws were made and not many rights were taken away. The next six years 40+ laws were passed and no ever stopped slowly took away the Jew right.

           At first the Jews ability to be in clubs or play with the Aryan race, but it began to escalate. The first two years simple laws were introduced, but in the third year laws were passed that did not allow Jews to marry none Jew. Eventually he would take away their ability to work and eventually took them to the concentration camps. Finally he took away the ability to buy food.

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