Sunday, August 16, 2015

Paper Towns 7/25

Paper Towns 

200-305 end.

1.) Are the character relatable to you if so how. 2.)Would I recommend this book to other why or why not

              I believe that I relate to two characters in the book Paper Towns, the first character is Quentin Jacobson. I can relate to Quentin do to the fact he is calm person that lives his life at a low pace. I myself prefer things that are calmer because I don't have to be afraid that something might go wrong and cause terrible things that could happen. We both have goals in our live that are common with those of other people, like graduate college to get a good job, and have a family with kids.  Quentin and myself both do not get into much trouble in the book he hesitate to even help the girl of his dreams. This is shown on page where it says "Let's just please not get in trouble,"I said. "I mean I want to have fun and everything, but not at the expense of, like, my future" I myself would have also hesitated if I was his age as well knowing that my future could be ruined for a relationship that might not amount to anything.

          The other character that I feel that I could relate to was Radar or Marcus Lincoln for two major reasons. The first reason is that Radar and I spend a majority of my time online, this is shown on page 15 where Quentin thinks to himself"Radar is a big-time editor of this online user-created reference source called Omnictionary. His whole life is devoted to the maintenance and well-being of Omnictionary"The other way that Radar and I relate that our parents both collect things, Radar's parents collect black Santa. While my parents collect keychains from different states that we have visited.

         I would recommend Paper Towns to other people because it has many aspects that people might like a mystery with comedy, a road trip, and a coming of age story. Another reason this book is good is that the character are develop in a way that they are realistic and go through that the crazy teenage mind might go through. The book Paper Towns also makes you think what would you do for love and where you would stop the line and did you agree with the way Quentin reacted to what Margo did.

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