Friday, October 31, 2014

The Hypnotists 10/26/14

The Hypnotist

Prompt: Character description

Pages: 0-52

      The book is about a 12 to 13 year old boy named Jax Opus in 7th grade. His eye color seem to change to various colors with his emotion. His best friend is Tommy he is color blind which makes Jax feel good because Tommy does not notice his eye color change which makes him feel like an outcast. After a field trip visiting a recreation of 1920's New York a hypnotist, hypnosis Tommy making him act like a chicken. Strangely after Jax tell him to stop and says how would you like it,the hypnotist stopped and act like chicken as well. A few days later he is invited to "The Sentia Institute" he does not know what it is for but he still goes. At the institute he hears about a man Dr. Mako Their he has to take test with over a 1000 question. After getting tire of taking the test he say that he is do and decides to quit.  He is brought back his parents to meet Dr. Mako to tell him that he is able to hypnotist people because of the changing color of his eyes.

Jax is 12 or 13 year old boy I know this because on page 31 you can read “ To the seventh grade I.S. 222, it was the best field trip…” this proves that he is between 12 or 13 assuming he had not failed a grade. He his family is from American I know this because on page 53 the author wrote “My family! The stories go back for centuries! The whole Massachusetts branch of the Opuses was burned at the stake during the Salem witch trials.” This proves that his family of American origin. He has blonde hair and is slim I know this because in the cover of the book he has blond hair and seem to be slim.  I also know that his eyes can change color because on page 6 the author wrote “his ever-changing eyes must have been close to violet.” Since he said that his eye color change it proves my point.

I believe the point of view of this book is third person.  A piece of evidence that this book is third person point of view do to the fact on page six it states “He caught a glimpse of himself…”  While in first person he would of have said I caught a glimpse of myself on piece of prove.  Another Piece of proof can be found on page 35 where you can read “Uh---thanks, Jax stammered…”  This shows you that it is in third person because if it was in first person he would say I stammered not Jax Stammered.  On page 39 you can see on paragraph 6 it says “ Jax leaped to his feet.” In first person Jax would say I leaped to my feet.

Friday, October 24, 2014

The Fault In Our Stars 10/19/14

The Fault In Our Stars

page 137-296

Propt:     Describe your least favorite character and explain why. Describe your most

favorite character and explain why.

             My least favorite character is Peter Van Houten.  He is my least favorite character do to the fact that he treats Hazel and Augustus madly when they try to meet him on their trip to Amsterdam. He makes fun of them and treats them inhumanly.  When Hazel asks him if he could tell her the ending to An imperial Affliction so she can finally have peace with the book she loves so much. He is an alcoholic and during their meeting he ignores them and cares more of the alcohol than them their.   This only includes when they meet him in Amsterdam after that he regains himself.

            I have two favorite characters Hazel and Augustus.  Hazel is one of my favorite character because she takes life more seriously than most teenager, she has learned to mature over time.  She has gone to terrible place because of her disease but she most of the time she makes the best out of it. An example of this is that she could no longer go to school so she got her G.E.D and no is taking course in a small college she could of have not go to school any longer but she want to keep studying for her own good. She care for Augustus with all her heart she never stops loving him through good or the bad. She takes risk she does not know whether they will benefit her or not. Such as when she went to Augustus house to see a movie and that gave an option to fall in love.

         Now will type why August is my favorite character as well. I like Augustus because he is kind to others. He show compassion to his friend Isaac because he allow him to break of his basketball trophies because Isaac is facing a break-up and is upset.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Lady Or the Tiger

        Every heart stopped beating, every breath was held, every eye was fixed immovably upon that man. Without the slightest hesitation,he went to door on the right, and opened it.  Just then the maiden came out walking with cheeks as red cherries knowing that he was her knew husband. The princess was befuddled she had pointed towards the door with the tiger. She had been lied at she turned red with rage and started to yell at her lover. She had wanted for him to be eaten by the tiger she thought to herself "If I can not have him no one could have him". The king turned his head toward his daughter and said " Did you think that I would not find out that you bribed someone to know what was behind each door."  She began to stutter " Wait who how what!  The king replied with
"I decided to switch the order of the door it ruined the surprise but your reaction completely made up for it.  He started to laugh ha ha, the lover and his new wife rode in carriage to his house to introduce her to his family.

     He had a great live with his wife, they had three children they lived to be 80 years old, and never once did they stop loving each other.  While the princess lived a bitter live she became queen but had to marry a man she never loved.  She had one kid that hater her for her bitterness and her unwillingness to pay attention to him.  She had regretted ever bribing the person for the information to what was behind the doors she wonder to her last breath what would of have happened if he had decided his own fate.

Friday, October 17, 2014

1st Quarter Reflections

          This quarter we have learned many important skills that have benfited me. Annotating is extremely helpful because it let me caught an important detail that I might of have missed before. Annotating has made writing the A.O.W because I get all the information I need to write an object summary, the question for the second paragraph or the paragraph that have to write my opinion.  My blogging has improved since August because I am able to write a blog with greater ease and not have to worry about turning in it late.  My research skills have improved since the beginning of the year, now I am able to find the information with out having as much trouble because I read over the page a few times.  Another important skill that have befitted from is writing an objective summary because I need to write summaries for different classes so this make my life a lot easier.


         I have enjoyed all of my classes, some classes might challenge me but I try my hardest and we are doing a lot of education and fun lessons.  In math we have learned how to calculate angle sum of different shapes and different thing that I do not have the space or time to right we have learned. In social studies we are learning about the beginning of the colonization of North American and the 13 colonies.  In science we are currently in a chemistry unit we are talking about density, chemical/physical changes. In lit. Studies and L.A we are blogging,writing A.O.W and reading for our forty book challenge.  I person feel this quarter went by extreme fast, I hope you enjoyed reading my blog.


Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Fault In Our Stars

The Fault In Our Stars

Prompt: Indirect and direct characterizations.

         I am doing indirect and direct characterization on Hazel Grace.  On page 159 on paragraph 3 it says "I did indeed wear the sundress-this blue print,flowery knee-length"... this is direct characterization of her being happy because she is going  because it show what see was wearing at the time being and she want to look nice for the dinner with Augustus.  On page 3 she narrated "Late in the winter of my seventeenth year..." which is a direct characterization that  show how old she is during the time of the book. On page 150 it says "I found the gore a bit gratuitous, so I looked away for a second..." this is an indirect characterization because it shows that see does not like to watch violence and gore.  On page 3 it says "Depression is a side effect of dying." and "But my mom believed I required treatment..." which is a direct characterization because it states that she is depressed and is dying of cancer.

           Now I am going to do direct and indirect characterization on Augustus Waters.  One page eight and nine it says "Long and leanly muscular..." which a direct characterization because it describes what he looks like. On page nine it states " Mahogany hair, straight and short." this is a direct characterization because it tells you how his hair looks. On page 11 Augustus said " I'm just here today at Isaac request." which is an indirect characterization because it shows that he is nice enough to go with his friend to a cancer support group. On page 12 he said "I fear oblivion" which is a direct characterization because it show you that he fears not being aware.

         Finally I am going to do direct and indirect characterization on Isaac. On page ten it states "I am seventeen..." which is a direct characterization because it tells you his age. On page 61 it says " Suddenly Isaac started kicking the crap out of his gaming chair..." which is indirect characterization because it does not tell you he is mad but you can inference that he is do to the fact that he kick the gaming chair. On page 73  Hazel says " I mean,he's blind. So that's unfortunate." which is a direct characterization because it tells you that Isaac is blind and is not implicit.  One page 132 Isaac says "Deception, Isaac said.  One player or two? Two Isaac said." this is an indirect characterization because it show that even though he is blind he does not stop that from having fun.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Blog #1

The Fault In Our Stars 

Prompt: Describe Characters 


            Hazel Graze is a 16 year old girl that is cancer surviver she seem depress to her mother so she convinces her to go to a support group to make new friends. When she arrives she meet a teen age boy named Augustus at the support group meeting. Augustus ask Hazel to come to his house after the meeting to see a movie at his house. They have a great time and she find that he is missing one of his legs.  Before Hazel leaves they each tell each other to read each others favorite book. When Augustus Finally finishes reading it make him mad do to the fact that the book end with a conclusion leaving it with an end of mystery to what happens. Augustus find the authors e-mail that has vanished for years Hazel ask for the e-mail and he gives it to her. He writer that to find all those questions she must go to Amsterdam in person. Hazel want to go but can not do to the financial reason but Augustus surprise her with tickets and they will go. Hazel must go to emergency room do to the fact that her lung filled up with water. She is told she will not be able to go but the doctors find a way to let her go. A couple of days later she went to pick up Augustus for the flight and that around were I stopped reading.

          The main character are Hazel Grace and Augustus Water. Hazel Grace is a 16 year old girl that is living with cancer. She is depressed at the beginning of the book because of her cancer and will not leave her house. While the book progresses see seem to become more happy with herself and her live because of Augustus. She is fixated on the book A Imperial Affliction because the book is somewhat related to her life which gives her a feeling of relieve. Hazel starts to feel more comfortable the more she know Augustus and has more fun. She with cancer of course will become sad do to the fact that she might die.    

       Augustus Water is a cheerful and poetic boy that is 17 years old. He is kind,relaxed,and out going person because he had cancer and was close to death. He survives the cancer but at the cause of his leg which had to be amputated.  He is always happy and a loving person especially with Hazel. He see beauty in Hazel even though she does not see it in herself. He is a great friend to Isaac, he appreciates Isaac enough to allow him to brake all of his basketball trophies because of the Surgery that would make him blind.