Thursday, December 17, 2015

TKAM Final Blog

P. 0-376



          The book To Kill A Mockingbird is one of the greatest books I have ever read, but of course it is not with it's flawless. Let us start with the good; the description of the city of Maycomb are some of the greatest piece of writing I have ever seen. An example of this can be seen on page 6 where Scout narrorates "In rainy weather the streets turned to red slope; grass grew  on the sidewalks, the courthouse sagged in the square."  After I read this I had one of the clearest pictures of a city described in a book because of the great level of detail. As well as the way that not everything is clearly stated as she does not say the roads are made of clay, but you can assume that.  The way that the character are described is also great with out stating the obvious. This is shown on page 362 where Scout says "They were white hands, sickly white hands that had never seen the sun..." This shows that this character is rarely outside do to the lack of dark skin color.

           Another reason that this book is great is the way that the character talk and aged in the book is realistic.  For example Atticus is always trying to teach his children a life lesson that will without doubt helping them in the future.  This is shown on page I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. This is something that I could see a father telling her kid to show him/her that someone having a weapon or power does not make them have true courage, but someone that does not stop even when you known you will fail.

           Another reason that this book is great is the way that the character talk and aged in the book is realistic.  For example Atticus is always trying to teach his children a life lesson that will without doubt helping them in the future.  This is shown on page I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. This is something that I could see a father telling her kid to show him/her that someone having a weapon or power does not make them have true courage, but someone that does not stop even when you known you will fail.

                The theme of the book of prejudge has stood the test of 50 years and states relative to this day. As now a days people are starting to show that some and not all law inforcements can be racist and attack those that they do not see as equal just the same as Tom.  As well the message of treating others with respect as now anyone can be the difference with a good choice or a bad choice to lead down a path.

                 Of course no book is without a few flaws and this book is no different. As Harper Lee tries to have different plots as the first plot starts to happen it developed until the second plot comes in over shadows the first for a big chunk of the book until the second plot climaxes and the first come in once again. Even though done to an extreme well sometimes the plots can lose a little amount of focus. As well the book can be very verbose and can be sometimes confusing. Due to the second plot and the amount of verbosness of the book.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

To Kill A Mockingbird 11/30


I will juxtapose Dill and Francis

              Francis and Dill both change the live of Scout: Francis makes Scout feel hatred towards Atticus side of the family because he gets her in trouble and taunters her. Dill causes love in Scouts heart and makes her feel good about herself. Francis and Dill as well their dad does not seem to have a big impact in their live does not cause them to make live choice off the way the dad raised them. Francis and Dill both create conflict with Scout as Dill wants to Marry Scout and have a family with her. Francis tries to make Scout's live a living hell and by doing that she resents him.

               Francis is trying to make Scout feel bad and makes fun of her to get a reaction and then get her in trouble. While Dill wants Scout to be happy he tries to brighten her day and he even propose her to. Dill is more kind and is nice to everyone he meets and has a good attitude. Francis is a more spoiled kid that wants to make the live of those he does not seem fit harder even if they are not doing anything to him.  Dill see Scout every summer for two summer in a row, while Francis is only visited during holidays and other events.

               Francis is Scout's aunt Alexandra's grandson from Atticus side of the family. Francis is a big rival to Scout as he tries to annoy her by taunting her in many ways including name calling and falsely accusing her of being a rude distrubense to him.  Dill is a friend of scout that she meets in the year of 1933 with her brother. Eventually the next summer Dill propose to and Scout she accepts, he says the will marry when they are old enough.  Both of theses characters are the foil of each other as they are complete opposites of each other as one loves Scout and the other more of the line haters her.

                  Dill wants Scout to be a happy and light heart person that he is in love and that he cares about. Scout as well loves Dill to the point where she accepts marrying him once they are old enough. Francis really despises Scout he make fun of her her father and gets her in trouble when she did nothing. Scout as well does not like Francis and hates having to visit him because she is annoyed by Francis and the fact that the family does not respect Scout as much.


Sunday, November 29, 2015

To Kill a Mockingbird 11/24

Evans, Walker. Sidewalk Scene in Selma, Alabama. 1935. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division, Selma. 

                    I believe that the picture that I chose is a good representation of the city of Maycomb from the book To Kill a Mockingbird. The first reason that I believe that this picture represents Maycomb is the way the streets is, the street appears to be smooth as though it was made by clay. A quote on page six where Scout says "In rainy weather the streets turned to red slop..." The red slop is describing streets made out of clay that can be extremely smooth.  Another reason that I believe that this picture represents the city of Maycomb is that there is a poster in the middle building that says all you can drink 5 cents. This is shown on page 25 Miss Caroline said "Here's a quarter," "Go an eat down town..." This shows the reader that many of the amenities of the country were cheap compared to now.

                     Another way that this picture resembles the city of Maycomb in the book To Kill a Mockingbird is that this town seems to be running at a slow rate. An example of this can be found on page six where Scout says "People moved slowly then." "A day was twenty-four hours long, but seemed longer." This is shown in the picture because many of the people in the picture are just sitting down and seem to be in no worry. My final reason that this picture is a representation of Maycomb is as well on page six "Somehow, it was hotter then: a black dog suffered on a summer's day..." On the picture many of the people are wearing dark clothing on what appears to be a hot day so a hot would not be out of place and be more common.  

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Ripper 11-16-15

Prompt; Theme

Pages 140-280

The theme of the book Ripper is that the main character is coming of age. This is shown through out the book for example Carver our protagonist becomes a detective even though he was originally an orphan. This is shown on page 12 were it is stated " The board has also decided we can no longer house residents past age thirteen."  and on page 13 where it is stated "...focus on making the best-possible impression on net week's Prospective Parents Say."  This shows that no matter were you come from you can still do great thing with your live. 

            Carver action also show that the theme of the book is coming of age because at the beginning of the book Carver is petty and steals for his personal gain. This is shown on pages 6 and 7 where Carver thinks Of course this would be the only lock in Ellis Orphanage that ever gave him trouble. It wasn't his first crime, but it was the only that could change his life." This showed me that Carver still hasn't learned his moral because he still has not matured yet.   As the story progresses Carver begins to mature as he accept a job to help solve crimes so the law-breakers can be sent to justice.

          The setting of the book Ripper also affects the themes because the story takes place in the early 1900's in New York.  The city can be seen as a symbol of coming of age at that time because this is when new York started to hit its strides finically to be come the city we know as now. This is the same thing that Carver is doing as he is maturing  and becoming a "well oiled machine" in his work. The setting also helps show how Carver has to learn how to live in this "new world".

Thursday, October 29, 2015

End of the Quarter Reflection 10-29-15

1.) What strategies have benefit you 2.) How have your research skills improved 3.) What have you learned from the world 

One of the strategies that I have used to help me is going over the list of things that I had to do for homework every night before I go to sleep so that I do not forget anything. This has helped me by limiting the times that I forgot things at home. It has also help not to forgot to do  my homework. This has also helped me with my organization because I have to keep everything in different sections so the process is much easier than if the papers and work were discombobulated. This strategy has also helped me see that preparation and organization can help you have everything you need and that it can help you be ready for what you needed.

   My research skills have improved in many ways the first being that I have founded easier to find information that is more accurate. I do this my finding the web address and seeing if the website is a .com, .org, or .net if the website is .org it is the most trust worthy while a .com is the least trust worthy. I as well get information from more than one website to compare and see which information appears the most.  I also make sure not use website like yahoo answers and I only use wikipedia if needed for extra information. By doing this I have been able to use better information and have the most accurate work I can do. 

My blogs have been steadily improving since August in a few aways the first being that it has become second nature once again. Since for over a month I had not done a blog I had trouble having ideas on how to write because it had been so long since I had written a blog. I have also been able to incorporate the vocabulary words into my writing even more so it become easier to diction. I have also started to read over my work so it become increasingly better and there are less grammatical errors.  These are some of the way I have been able to increase the quality of my blogs.


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Ripper 10/14/15

Prompt 1.)  What have you found boring about what you’ve been reading? What made it
boring? If you were the author 2.) Describe the most important event. Give at least three reasons why you think it is the most important event. 3.) Describe a character that you would like to meet (which doesn’t mean that you think you would like the character, but that you think the character would be
interesting). List 4 questions that you would ask.

Pages 0-140

                    In the book Ripper most of the chapters are very intersting, but their are a few were our many character Carver is just looking for clues in a library and they can turn out to be boring. In chapter 19 where Carver goes to the Federal Immigration Station where records of immigrants that came to the country, are stored. Carver enters the building and he asks a worker if he can help him find the document where the names of the immigrants that came in the 1889 to lower the number of people that the counter literally pulls strings. This concept seems intersting, but the idea was not used to it's full potential making it seem dull intested of intersting.

                     I believe that the most important event to have happen in the book so far is Carver finding a letter from his father in the orphanage's file storage. The first reason I believe that this is the most important event in the book do to the fact that finding the letter makes him want to become a detective even more.  The second reason that I believe that this is the most important event in book do the fact that finding the letter propels Carver to join the Pinkerton detective agency. The third reason that Carver finding his father's letter because he uses the Pinkerton resources to find his father which leads him to get caught between a killer and the Pinkston.  

                     The character that I would like to meet is Hawking because is the mentor to the main character Carver which means he has the most experience in being a detective. My first question that I would ask to Hawking would be what would intersted him in being a detective? Then I would ask: What was the most intersting case that you have worked on and how did you solve it if you could? Next I would ask if Carver was the first person he had "taken under his wing" if not than who was it before him?  I fould finally ask him how many cases has he solved and what was his hardest case to solve?


Friday, October 9, 2015

Comin Home

"Comin Home"

It hurt my brother and me too
 see our parents struggle

Living in a desperate time, 
among a desperate people, 
among war 
among famine, 
among epidemic

There are only a few of them left now
thirty years of war made sure of that

My father started to wonder

I went back to the homeland recently
 to my family,
 to help
our separation was over.

"For today, 
we are not refugees, 
we don't live in adobes. Now we live back
 home among our people
 and we celebrate our 
new year,
and we dance.

They talked "Even stories fail
 me as I tried recall

I told them "Here, too, is money
With Money, you can do much. 
But exercise great care

 As I left my father told me 
remember your country remember us

Thursday, September 24, 2015

OBAA and AOW Comparison 9/24/15

      The book Of Beetles & Angels and the article "Kerry: US to accept 85,000 refugees in 2016, 100,000 in 2017" have groups of people in the that are very similar to each other. In the Of Beetles & Angels Mawi the main character arrives to American and his father comes down with Malaria this shown on page 21 "My father lay shivering under a blanket, his head aflame in fever, and Beth, a nurse knew instantly that he had malaria. We did not have access to medical care, so she went to a physician friend to obtain the medication my father needed." This shows the reader that without the help of Beth they would not been able to gain the medice .  In the article  "Kerry: US to accept 85,000 refugees in 2016, 100,000 in 2017"  talks about how the U.S is going to accept refugees to help those in the war torn countries this shown on paragraph 2 of the first page "The U.S. will accept 85,000 refugees from around the world next year, up from 70,000, and that total would rise to 100,000 in 2017.." This shows the reader how organziation and people help refugees when they are in need.  Another way that these to piece are similar is shown through the book which is that they both left their countries and lost their home, and their extend family for a better future. This can be interpretate as though they believed that America is a good country and better then the one they are currently. 

                 Events in the article "Kerry: US to accept 85,000 refugees in 2016, 100,000 in 2017" and events in the book "Of Beetles & Angels" are similar. This is shown in the article when the author conveys that Syria is being torn in the increasely long war "the uptick in migration five years into the civil war was being driven" Which shows the reader how the war is becoming increasely long and it not stopping any time soon.  In the book Of Beetles & Angels it stated  Mawi lives his country because his country is in a war that is extremely long "My homelands of Eritrea and Ethiopia fought in a deadly cvil war."  This quote shows the reader that Mawi's country fought in a long civil war. These two events are similar because they are both wars, cause many people to have to leave they country do to the voilence, and both are civil war. The second event is that America is bringing many refugees affect by the war to keep them save this is shown in Of Beetles & Angels when Mawi says "Then we enter the plane and took off from Khartoun. Next stop, Athens. Then Amerikha, and there, a new life." This tellls me that this family is coming to America for refugee, In the article they say "The U.S. will accept 85,000 refugees from around the next year" This shows the reader how America is helping those in need during war.

                 War has a very severe affects on scoiety do to the fact that they this event will destroy a country. Another effect that war has on society is that a large amount of money has to be used to rebuild the city. An indivual will suffer greatly do to the fact that many people will lose their loved oned and cause a depression to those. Also indivuals will have to leave their country and will have to leave the place they grow up. All in all war has nearly no positive affect and everyone involved is affect terribly.   


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets 8/20

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets

Pages 115-341 end

Prompt 1.) What is the main conflict of the book? 2.) What was the thing that surprised you the most in the book? 3.) Would you recommend this book?

             The main conflict of the book is about how student at Hogwarts are being petrified (petrified to be frozen in a coma state) and Harry Potter has to find out how is doing this. This conflict is man vs nature do to the fact that the character that have were petrified are by a magical creature. This is shown on page 290 where it is stated "This snake, which may reach gigantic size..."Which shows the reader that the thing petrified the student in the book is an animal, and animals are part of nature.  The conflict is resolved when Harry Potter eliminates the giant snake, this is shown on page 320 where it is narrated " Harry threw his whole weight behind the sword and drove the hilt into the roof of the serpent's mouth-" Which shows the reader that the snake would have been terminated.

               The thing that surprised the most in this book is the fact that J.K Rowling decided that Hermione could not be in the final act of the book. The reason that this excited me is the fact that most author are very care of not harming their main character to much. Another reason is that she had nearly no interaction or mention for over multiple chapters. She also completely uninvolved in the climaxed she is not reference or seen or even knowing that it has happening at all.  She only comes back into the picture until the last chapter of the book.

                I would recommend the book Harry Potter and The Chamber to my friends and family member for multiple reason. The first reason that I would recommend this book is because the character development is very good you can see how the characters are changing after experiencing new things. Another reason that I would recommend this book is the fact that the book is very hard to put down after you start reading you will be invested in the character so you want to know what will happen to them. Even though the climax of the book is not at full potential, the resolution makes you feel like the book has a great ending.  The book also has great moments that you will not see coming and surprise you.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets 8/7

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets

Pages 0-115

Prompt: 1.) Describe a character from your book 2.) If you could met a character which character would you meet and why

          Harry Potter is the main character of the book Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets this can be inferred do to the fact the name of the book has his name in it. Harry Potter is a wizard, this is shown on page 3 where the narrator says "Harry Potter was a wizard..." Harry Potter is a student in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, this is also shown on page 3 where it is state that "a wizard fresh from his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Which shows the reader that he is student at Hogwarts and that it he finished his first year of studies. Harry Potter is abused by his aunt,uncle, and cousin this is shown on page 10 where it is stated "he still had to duck as she aimed a heavy blow at his head with the soapy frying pan." Which shows that his family member do not care for him at all.

         Severus Snape is the potion teachers in the school Hogwarts for wizards and witches, this is shown on page 77 where it is stated "Snape taught potions." Snape is not liked by many of his students, this is also shown on page 77 where it is stated "...disliked by everybody. This is also shown on page 78 where it is stated by Ron "I mean, everyone hates him" Which shows that not many people like. Severus Snape has wanted to be the Defense Against Dark arts teacher but, he has never gotten the position. You can tell this on page 78 where it is stated "Maybe he's left... because he missed out on the Defense Against Dark Arts job again.

         If I could meet any of the characters in the book it would be Ron Weasley do to the fact that he has known what being a wizard is like his whole life. Another reason that I would like to meet Ron would be so that I could learn how he learned how to live without having to modern day technology like computers,phones,gaming console, tv,and other things. While on the other hand he is also getting a trade off which allows him to do magic. A meeting Ron would also allow me to prove that magic is real that other legend of magical sorts are as well real. Once I met him I would ask him what was his favorite part of being a wizard?


Sunday, August 16, 2015

Paper Towns 7/25

Paper Towns 

200-305 end.

1.) Are the character relatable to you if so how. 2.)Would I recommend this book to other why or why not

              I believe that I relate to two characters in the book Paper Towns, the first character is Quentin Jacobson. I can relate to Quentin do to the fact he is calm person that lives his life at a low pace. I myself prefer things that are calmer because I don't have to be afraid that something might go wrong and cause terrible things that could happen. We both have goals in our live that are common with those of other people, like graduate college to get a good job, and have a family with kids.  Quentin and myself both do not get into much trouble in the book he hesitate to even help the girl of his dreams. This is shown on page where it says "Let's just please not get in trouble,"I said. "I mean I want to have fun and everything, but not at the expense of, like, my future" I myself would have also hesitated if I was his age as well knowing that my future could be ruined for a relationship that might not amount to anything.

          The other character that I feel that I could relate to was Radar or Marcus Lincoln for two major reasons. The first reason is that Radar and I spend a majority of my time online, this is shown on page 15 where Quentin thinks to himself"Radar is a big-time editor of this online user-created reference source called Omnictionary. His whole life is devoted to the maintenance and well-being of Omnictionary"The other way that Radar and I relate that our parents both collect things, Radar's parents collect black Santa. While my parents collect keychains from different states that we have visited.

         I would recommend Paper Towns to other people because it has many aspects that people might like a mystery with comedy, a road trip, and a coming of age story. Another reason this book is good is that the character are develop in a way that they are realistic and go through that the crazy teenage mind might go through. The book Paper Towns also makes you think what would you do for love and where you would stop the line and did you agree with the way Quentin reacted to what Margo did.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Paper Towns 7/20

Paper Towns
Prompt Character description using textual evidence 

                The main character of the book Paper Towns is Quentin Jacobsen is kind hearted. I know this do to the fact that on page 43 were Quentin thinks "I felt a stab of regret as we backed up past him, so I rolled the window halfway down and threw his polo in his general direction. Quentin is also a calm person and is not use to much excitement. This shown on page 44 were it is said "My heat is really pounding in my chest... "That's how you know you're having fun..." This shows that he is not excited much because he acts surprised about the feeling he is having.

               Margo Roth Spiegelman is a very adventurous and mysterious type of person this is shown various times through the book. This can be found on page 7 were Margo says " I did an investigation" Which is done after Margo and Quentin find a dead body in a park, were most people would try to forget what happen she does not. Margo being adventurous is shown on page 68 where it is stated "We're not going to break anything. Don't think of it as breaking  in to SeaWorld. Think of it as visiting SeaWorld. Think of it as visiting SeaWorld in the middle of the nigh for free. Which shows that she is very out going and likes to be adventurous. She is also very creative spending the first third of the book getting revenge of those that did wrong to her.

            Marc Lincoln or Radar spends a major part of the book on Omnictionary a parody of Wikipedia. He tries to makes sure that the website is up to date and that all the information is correct so that it top quality. This is shown on page 15 where Quentin thinks "Radar is a big-time editor of this online user-created reference source called Omnictionary. His whole life is devoted to the maintenance and well-being of Omnictionary"This shows that he cares and wants the website to be at the highest quality. Radar also, has a girl friend name Angela and they have been dating for five weeks. this is shown on page 20 where she says " ...we've been dating for five weeks..." Which shows that Radar has a girlfriend.


Thursday, May 21, 2015

Paradox and Dreams Reflection 5/18

                                           Paradox and Dreams Reflection.

Paradox: “Even in our so-called virtues we are intemperate: A teetotaler is not content not to drink- he must stop all the drinking in the world; a vegetarian among us would outlaw the eating of meat.”

         The paradox shows how many Americans are only caring about themselves and how they only care about what they are doing.  This is shown in the paradox do to the fact that it says, “a vegetarian among us would outlaw the eating of meat”. Which shows the reader if a person has a different opinion than everyone else must have the same opinion.  It makes sense that John Steinbeck put this into his essay because this is something that people do to make themselves more comfortable, but doing so we are making matters worse for those around them.

         I have seen this type of thinking around me many times thought my live. One of them was when my little sister was mad because she could not play with her toys so when she saw other kids playing with them she told them they could not do sox. This is also seen in many TV shows or movies were a character is trying to go on a diet but sees that friend and family are eating foods that are unhealthy. To respond to this he/she will either throw away the food or will hide so he/she will not feel so temped.  As well with me when I can’t do something whether I am sick or just unable to I find it unfair that another person I know is doing.

Paradox: “ We trample friends, relatives and stranger who get in the way of our achieving it; and once we get it we shower it on psychoanalyst to find out why we are unhappy.”

         This is a paradox because we hurt those that we care and even those we do not care for but once we achieve what we wanted it seems that it no longer make us happy. This shown when Steinback writes “we get it we shower it on psychoanalyst to find out why we are unhappy” Which shows the reader that we do enjoy what we have worked so hard for because of what he have done to get there.   It makes  sense that he put this paradox in the essay because it is true that many people that are success are sometimes are un happy because they always have to work.

         I can relate to this because sometimes I push away my family trying get a good grade and sometimes my friends. This also happens to many people that try to move up the corporate latter and push away their friends and family and later they have no one to share his experience and wealth. This happens to many american because when they are young they do not see anything but what they want and when they grow older they found out that now they have not family and those he thought  cared for him/her are not their for him/her. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

End of Year Reflection.

Prompt 1- What are the three most important things you learned this year?
2- What is something we did this year that you think you will remember for the rest of your life? 3- What was the nicest thing someone in our class did for you this year? 4- What is something you taught your teacher or classmates this year? 5- In what area do you feel you made your biggest improvements? What is something you accomplished this year that you are proud of? 6- What was the most challenging part of this year for you? 7- What was the best piece of writing that you did this year? Why do you think it is your best? 8- Of the books you read this year, which was your favorite? Why? 9- What advice would you give students who will be in this class next year?

               I learned many important things this year from my accelerated language arts class. One of the important things I learned this year was how to annotate any type of writing this is important do to the fact that now I know how to mark important areas of the writing, how to put a specific mark when I am asking a question and how to properly display my ideas. Another important thing that I learned this year was how to properly write a paragraph. Last year I would just write a paragraph with out a topic sentence and with out much supporting details, but now I feel more confident about writing and I believe I will keep this skill for the rest of my life.  Learning how to research for articles was also something important because now I can search up for things that allow me to find what is going on around the world.

             The nicest thing that anybody did to me was not just one person, but it was the whole class. Everyone treated me kindly and no one was ever rude to me. It also allowed me to create new friends that others times I would not be able to. I think that I taught some of my class mates to be more patient. I believe this because I am always messing up and they have to explain a concept a few times over. 

             I think that the area that I made the biggest improvement was in my writing. At the beginning of the year I would struggle to write my blog, but now it has become easier to write my blog. This was also the most challenging part of my year not writing my blog but writing in general. Once I was able to over come that I felt more confident about my self. I was proud of the fact that my writing had improved so much since the beginning of the year. 

              I think that my best piece of writing was my poem "The Jungle" for some reasons. The first reason was that I did not like poetry, but this poem drove me to do my best. Another reason is that I believe that this is my piece of writing is that this the writing were I tried to be as creative as possible and that is saying something because it is not very creative. As well in this piece of writing I do my best to describe the setting of my picture. 

              My favorite book that I read this year was The Testing because it was action packed. Another reason I liked The Testing is because it has thrills and intense moment were you feel as the character. I also never wanted to put the book down I was always interested on what was happening. Unlike other books were the action is the last 1/3 of the book the action starts in the first 1/3 of the book. It also has great character development that helps you understand the reason for the character choices. While the only complaint is that it copies many of the aspects other book are known for that have come prior to it. 

            If you are a new 7th grader and are in mrs. Larson classes I have to tell you a few helpful tips. First off time management is one of the most important parts of being successful because you will have a lot of work and you do not want to have to do it all at the end of the week especially with all your other classes. As well be very organized and careful with your work do to the fact you would not want to lose your work and have to start over from the beginning. Pay attention is class because if you miss an important step you will lost. If you follow these steps and common sense you should have a good time in mrs. Larson class.

Commented on Evelia C.,Jared A., and Nicolas F. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

What Symbolizes Me 5/14

            I believe a symbol that represents me and the why act is a phone. The reason for this is that I help many people when they need it. I ask if anyone need help or sometimes some people ask me for help and I do my best to give them what they need. While as with many thing my information is not always the best and I do make mistakes just like a phone might not be able to give the exact answer to the problem you needed solved. As well I will do my best to help you and I will improve every time I learn something new or I get an "update".   As well I might distracted you from your work at certain times.

I commented on Jared A., Sebastian B., James F. Evelia C.John Z.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Of Mice and Men vs Movie 5/11

Prompt : 1. 1.In the film, the director shows us “the incident in Weed” differently from how we find out in the book. What’s different? Why do you think he chose to do it that way? How does it change the story?The book begins with the “stage” set by the pond. In the film, we see George on a train first. Why would the director do this? What is the director telling us about George’s life? 3. What do you think of the director’s choice of Sharilynn Fenn to play Curley’s wife? Does she look the way you imagined her in the book? Whom would you have chosen?

     I believe the director changed this scene in the movie from the books so that it would  make it easier for the movie goer to know why they had to move to a new place of work. As well many people would have found it confusing if they just saw that they were arriving at a new ranch. As well they would find it kind of awkward if George just began to complain that he never had time for himself.  As well it should that George truly cared for Lennie as much risking his live to get him out of trouble. It also sets the tone of the movie because it shows that it is not happy but that all problems have their solution.

                   The director of the movie of mice and men made the movie start in the train because he wanted the person watching the movie to know that they are constantly all over the country for many reasons.  It makes it so that we know George's live is very difficult and has to take care of another human being that is not related to him.  It also shows the reader that they close friends and George is more mature one because he is the one that takes care of Lennie. Another could be that he wanted the audience to she where they are coming from and how they arrived to the ranch. As well the director could have just done it to show the reader a different opening to the book that could be better and more interesting to him to the viewer so they could see his prospective.

                     I believe that Sherilyn Fenn was chosen for the role of Curley's wife because she fit the role and she was a talented actress.  She played Curley's wife the way I imagined Curley's wife would react to certain situation.  She could be kind and nice when she wanted but bitter and cold when the time cold for it. If I had to cast a new actress to play Curley's wife it would most likely be Scarlet Johnson. I think she would be perfect for the role because Curley's wife is not shown to be tall and neither is Scarlet Johnson. As well Curley's wife is depicted as a good looking woman and I personal believed that she had blonde hair which Scarlet Johnson has both things.  Final reason is that Scarlet Johnson is as well a very talented actress she has been acting for nearly two decades, so she has experience.

                     I really enjoyed reading Of Mice and Men and the movie because they were both  captivating. A reason I liked the book was that it told a very realistic story about the live of a migrant worker. Another reason that I like the book is the way that John Steinback describes the setting and how the foreshadowing is not notice able but after you think about at the end it makes complete sense. One reason that I enjoyed the movie was that it stayed faithful to the movie and the changes that it made were for the better so that it could be more interesting at times. I also enjoyed the watching movie because it showed the emotional parts of the book that might be hard to understand.

Commented Nicolas F., Mia C.,Jeremiah T.


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

AOW Impressions blog

   Something that stood out to me was how google is developing a phone that can create its own W.I.F.I.  Certain phones will have this new technology but eventually Google will try to but this new technology in bigger phone companies. This stood out to me because 8 years ago the best internet reception was 3G and now 8 years later phones will be able to produce their own wifi. If the technology keeps increasing at the rate it currently is at we should be able to do unprecedented thing like creating a much easier way to access W.I.F.I.  I hope that someday that this technology will be improved so that we will see it more and more.

            I learned a lot from Nicks article that a new space pod will be orbiting at Pluto and studying. The
space pod is called New Horizon and was launched nine years ago. The space pod is expected to arrive on July 14, were it will take high definition pictures and send them to Earth so that they can see new information that they might not of ever imaged. I am surprised by the fact that New Horizon has not gone off course or even been crushed especially when it crossed the asteroid belt.  A question that I did have was how long did it take to create it so that it could survive the journey?

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Dreams 4/27

Prompt:  Based on your brainstorming via Edmodo, write a short poem elaborating on your dream and/or why dreams or visions are an important part of life.

Dreams are basic human element because they keep us with hope
We could not function with out the basic idea that some day a
been of light could shine into our lives 
That we could make our family proud or ourselves proud.

We as human have dream behind what seems possible but if
those dream are reached the make for a moment of true and utter perfection
As well as the simple dreams have an effect that is amazing
This is why we as humans have dreams at least to my believes

I dream that someday I can help my parent pay their house of.
I dream that someday I can graduate from college.
I dream that someday I can have a business of my own.
I dream that someday I can better the live of thousand. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Of Mice and Men Conflict 4/27

          A conflict that was read was when Curley fought Lennie and Lennie hurt Curley's hand. This conflict is man vs man because a human being having a conflict against another human being.  On page 63 were it is stated "Curley's fist swinging when Lennie reached for it." Which shows the reader  that Curley is fighting Lennie and that tense are at a boiling point and might even keep raising if thing are not resolved.  So far this conflict has changed the plot because it shows that Curley is willing to get physical, that Lennie can beat Curley, and that Curley wants to get out of there as fast as possible.  

         Another conflict is that Candy decided that his dog should be put the dog down but he did not do it himself. This conflict would be man vs self because Candy is regretting allowing it to happen but than even if he decided to he thought it would have been better if he did it. On page 45 where Candy says "Maybe it's hurt him," he suggested " I don't mind takin' care of him" Which shows the reader that he is reluctant to do this and is think to himself whether he should do it or not. On the plot so far it has made it so he was sad,but once he hears George's and Lennie's dream he tries to join and says he could put $350 so they can actually complete their dream.

         The final conflict is that Lennie has feelings for Curley's wife because this could cause greater tenses between Lennie and Curley than they are at the point in the book. This conflict is man vs self because Lennie is dealing with his own feelings and most stop himself from showing these feelings. On page 32 "“Listen to me, you crazy bastard,” he said fiercely. “Don’t you even take a look at that b****. I don’t care what she says and what she does. I seen ‘em poison before, but I never seen no piece of jail bait worse than her. You leave her be." Which shows the reader that he has feeling for her but George tells hims not do even think about anything with her. So far it has made it so that Lennie hides what he feels but that could eventually, even though it has not full been addressed.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Of Mice and Men 4/20

 Of Mice and Men

Prompt: Describe the atmosphere of the ranch and bunkhouse. Be sure to include characteristics of different characters that were formally or informally introduced to us in this chapter. Support your choice with textual evidence and interpretation. 
Why doesn't Curley's wife have a name?   What message, if anything, is John Steinbeck  trying to send by not giving her a first name?  Support your choice with textual evidence and interpretation

The atmosphere in the ranch and bunkhouse are tense do to the fact that there is constant fight and you learn negative things about the characters. I believe that this is the atmosphere of the ranch and bunkhouse because on page 26 where it is stated "But this Curley better bot make no mistake about Lennie. ....Curley punk is gonna get hurt if he messes around with Lennie." Which shows the reader that George has his eyes on Curley which builds tension up because he might get physical with him if it is needed and that Curley is ill-tempered. Another piece of evidence can be found on page 28 were Candy says "“I ‘ve seen her give Slim the eye." Which shows the reader that she is unfaithful to her husband and it raises the tense because it means that she might do the same thing with Lennie do to the fact that Lennie likes her as well and they might get into trouble or worse.

Curley's wife does not have a wife because she is not seen as an equal to the men. The reason that I believe that she is not seen as an equal as that at the time that the book was written many women are not given the basic rights that men were given. On page 28 Candy says "Yeah purity..." Which shows the reader that they she her as only a pretty thing and not an equal. On page 28 it is stated by Candy " I seen her give Slim the eye." Which shows the reader that she is unfaithful to her husband because she is flirting with others.

Commented on Joseph H.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Testing 3/13

Prompt 1.)Describe something you have read that is similar to this. 2.)Are the characters realistic (do they seem like they could be real people)? Why

or why not? 3.)Do you like what you’re reading? Why or why not?

Pages 0- 310

                       The Testing and The Hunger Games are very similar to each other while not the exact point. Both book have a teenage girl be chosen to participate in a constants were they will have to survive.  There are different small/large towns that are far from each other that have different thing they do or make to support this new civilization in both of the books. A boy is in love with the main protagonist but at the beginning of the book she does not know this and eventually does now know if she has the same feelings for him. (Katniss and Peta, Cia and Thomas) These event take place in the future were a new civilization has been formed after most of the world was destroyed do to war.

                    I believe that the characters in the book The Testing could all be real. An example of this is Cia, she is intelligent and quick on her feet. Now a days are more likely to graduate from college than to drop out, so Cia would fit into this static. Thomas is another great example he is a smart young man that is also quick on his feet that is in love with Cia.  There are many young man that are intelligent especially with the age of technology curtly happening and most people fall in love during their live time.  Cia's father is a character that is realistic because he has gone through The Testing and he has nightmare about what happened some nights and does not for his daughter to suffer as he does.  Minor Spoiler do not keep reading if you do not want this to be spoiled go the next paragraph. The character Roman betrays his teammates Cia and Brick because he wants to win at all cost and this is something that some people will do from cheating to even "eliminating" their companions if they feel desperate enough to do so.

                     I really enjoyed reading The Testing because I felt the character development is fantastic with the romance of Cia and Thomas not being rush but shown how she develops feelings for him and the other way around. I like how the future society needs one another to continue to work.  I like the fact that there are twist in the book that are not always seen and how some character can turn on the flip of a dime.  I felt that the violence and action in the book are balance with the intelligent writing how the book has lot of actions but it does not take to an extreme.  I also like how the book shows that survive is not just about being stronger or more aggressive but about out smarting you opponent.