Thursday, February 25, 2016

Night Blog character change 2-26-16

Throughout the book Night Elie changes in his way of thinking of God and religion. In the beginning of the book Elie talks about how he wants to pursue his religious studies an example this is on page 4 (new book) "...I asked my father to find me a master who could guide me in my studies of Kabbalah." The quote shows that Elie wanted to further his religious studies and that he want go beyond his religious studies. After Elie is sent to the camp and see all the death his religious beliefs are completely shaken.  One page 34  "...those moments that murdered my god..." 34 Which shows how Elie is unable to keep his faith in god and says that his god is dead to him. 

The relationship between his father and Elie himself changes throughout the book as they live the horrors of the Holocaust.  At the beginning of the book Elie has a casual relationship with his father. This is shown on page 30 were Elie thinks " Were he to have gone to the right, I would have run after him. The baton, once more,moved to the left. A weight lifted from my heart." The quote shows how he wanted to his father to live like most children want their father to live. At the end of the book Elie no longer feels pain when he finds out that his father died. On page 112 Elie thinks "They must have taken him away before daybreak and taken him to the crematorium.  " "I did not weep, and it pained me that I could not weep." The quote shows you how he could not weep as he was not hurt by the last, but felt bad that he could not feel those emotions. 

Elie has changed as a person from the beginning of the book as now he is an activist to try to help out those in need. Durning the end of the book Eliezier says "...You could have two rations of bread, two rations of soup..." Elie thought that he could survive if he let his father survive and even though it was for a second he felt guilt. Which is different from today as he tries to help out all those he can and speard the message of peace. He even won the Nobel Peace prize by helping and spreading the message of what happened during the holocaust.

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