Friday, October 31, 2014

The Hypnotists 10/26/14

The Hypnotist

Prompt: Character description

Pages: 0-52

      The book is about a 12 to 13 year old boy named Jax Opus in 7th grade. His eye color seem to change to various colors with his emotion. His best friend is Tommy he is color blind which makes Jax feel good because Tommy does not notice his eye color change which makes him feel like an outcast. After a field trip visiting a recreation of 1920's New York a hypnotist, hypnosis Tommy making him act like a chicken. Strangely after Jax tell him to stop and says how would you like it,the hypnotist stopped and act like chicken as well. A few days later he is invited to "The Sentia Institute" he does not know what it is for but he still goes. At the institute he hears about a man Dr. Mako Their he has to take test with over a 1000 question. After getting tire of taking the test he say that he is do and decides to quit.  He is brought back his parents to meet Dr. Mako to tell him that he is able to hypnotist people because of the changing color of his eyes.

Jax is 12 or 13 year old boy I know this because on page 31 you can read “ To the seventh grade I.S. 222, it was the best field trip…” this proves that he is between 12 or 13 assuming he had not failed a grade. He his family is from American I know this because on page 53 the author wrote “My family! The stories go back for centuries! The whole Massachusetts branch of the Opuses was burned at the stake during the Salem witch trials.” This proves that his family of American origin. He has blonde hair and is slim I know this because in the cover of the book he has blond hair and seem to be slim.  I also know that his eyes can change color because on page 6 the author wrote “his ever-changing eyes must have been close to violet.” Since he said that his eye color change it proves my point.

I believe the point of view of this book is third person.  A piece of evidence that this book is third person point of view do to the fact on page six it states “He caught a glimpse of himself…”  While in first person he would of have said I caught a glimpse of myself on piece of prove.  Another Piece of proof can be found on page 35 where you can read “Uh---thanks, Jax stammered…”  This shows you that it is in third person because if it was in first person he would say I stammered not Jax Stammered.  On page 39 you can see on paragraph 6 it says “ Jax leaped to his feet.” In first person Jax would say I leaped to my feet.

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