Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Hypnotist 11/3/14

The Hypnotist
Page: 57- 117
Prompt  1.)Do you like what you’re reading? Why or why not? 2.)Describe what was either believable or unbelievable about your reading defend your opinion. 3. ) Choose a character is that character realistic.

        I  like the book The Hypnotist  because it fantasy which is one of my favorite genres. I also like the book The Hypnotist  because it deals with element that other stories don't usually deal with such as hypnoses and the study of it which shows that the author is willing to take a risk on the material of the book.  Another reason I like this book because he has superpower that are not normal from the typical super strength or super speed it takes a new look on superpowers. Another reason I like this book is because I can relate to the main character Jax, he is in seventh grade he is chosen for group of people that are gifted and he learns thing that he did not know he was capable of doing before.  The final reason I am going to type here is that from what I have read you can not quite tell who the villain is which makes you think and hypothesis on what will happen.

      Something that is unbelievable is that Jax's eye color can change because that is not humanly possible. Another thing that is unbelievable from the book is that he can hypnotis a person just by look at their eye and gain complete control over that person.  One part of the story that is unbelievable institute based on studying hypnosis. Something that are believable in the story are that there is a boy named Jax that lives in New York because people have different types of names and million of people live in New York. Also something that is believable is that someone named Jax is working in an institute.

       I believe that the character Jax is a realistic character besides the fact that he can bend minds. He goes to school almost everyday which is something that average kid does.  He lives with his parents in New York and has a best friend which most people do.  He plays basketball which a lot of kid his age are interested and he plays in a league with his friend and he tries to do his best to win which most try to do. Finally he has a special talent which everyone has even thought his talent is fake.


1 comment:

  1. I like how you described how the character Jax was realistic and unrealistic. Great Job!
