Thursday, January 29, 2015

Black Duck 1/26

Prompt 1.)Are the characters realistic (do they seem like they could be read people)? Why or why not? 2.)Describe the similarities and differences between the main character and you. 3.)Describe a character that you would like to meet (which doesn’t mean that you think you would like the character, but that you think the character would be interesting). List 4 questions that you would ask.

Pages 65-154

            I believe that the character in the book Black Duck are very realistic. They are very realistic because Ruben and Jeddy are great friend and they have been friend for many years and from personal experience I have had a friend for nearly ten years next month.  Another reason the Ruben is a realistic character because many kids during the Prohibition many kids were asked to unload alcohol. Chief Mckenzie is a realistic character because he is an honest and many cops were liked that during the prohibition. Jeddy's sister is also a realistic character because she is a teenager and sometimes can have and character with her brother like most teens have.

    A similarity between Ruben and me is that we both live with both our parents and lived in a house. We both have a best friend that we meet when were young and care for each other.  We both now a friend whose father is a police officer and is very dedicated to his job. While one very clear difference  is that we both live in two completely different time periods. I have not been asked to do anything outside the law while has been asked to unload alcohol.  Ruben has seen what a dead body look like in "real life" while I have not.

      I would like to meet the character Tom Morrison because he is interesting to me and has a very rich backstory. My first question would be if he would ever go back fishing, if not why would he not want to? My second question would be how he lost his eye and what did he do when it was ripped out? My third question is has he ever smuggled liquor if so what type and to where did he take it?  My fourth question would be how many years did he take care of Voila and what made him take care of her?

Yareli, Devon, Saul.


  1. I liked your blog and that book seems interesting to read.

  2. You have a little typos here and there but other than that you made the book sound very interesting to read.
