Monday, February 16, 2015

Poetry reflection

                For my poetry book reflection I choose the poem "Raven".   The poem the Raven is about a man that is reading a books one night and suddenly he hears a tapping at his chamber door. When he  goes and checks the door nothing is there and returns back to read but when he starts to read he hears the words " Nevermore".  As he looks around he finds a raven he chases the raven he reaches a picture of deceased wife and he feels depressed knowing that he will never see his wife again.  I believe that Edger Allan Poe wrote this poem because his wife was diagnosed with Tuberculosis on 1842 which was a disease that did not have a cure.  Edger Allan Poe knowing that this wife would die he felt sad so he wrote the poem to express the feeling that he would have in the time coming.

             This poem reminds me of what a person feels when you lose someone that you care for, most people try to bury their problems by starting a hobby and in the poem he is reading so he does not remember the lost.  This poem remind me of the part in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire were Harry see those he has lost and it help him to defeat who he is fighting, this remind of the "Raven" because I believe the raven is a metaphor his wife.  I can relate to the poem the "Raven" because I have lost family members and certain times I see an object that reminds me of them. One of my favorite shows is "The Simpsons" and in one of the Halloween episodes they tell a scary story about a man that has trouble with a raven in it house.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Omar! I liked your blog, and "The Raven" is written after Edgar Allan Poe's wife Virginia died. I think we got similar meanings out of this poem, I got that the Raven was telling him Nevermore for the fact that he was never going to see his wife again. Great connections and overall great blog. I didn't see anything really wrong with this blog:)
