Thursday, March 26, 2015

Poetry Reflection

                After the poetry unit poetry had become a bigger part of my live because it has started to interest me.  At the beginning of the poetry unit, poetry was not very important in my live it did not interest me.  Now I want to read different types of poem that I did not even know that exist, that are so interesting that I do not want to stop reading. It did not interested me because I felt that most poem had rules that where difficult to write, they where sometimes boring to read, and sometime even more difficult to understand as certain points. The poetry unit introduced me to so many types of poems that where easier to understand, that where much easier to write, and that where much more interesting than the most commonly found poems.'

               I believe that poetry belongs to everyone in the world and that anyone could read it and/or write it.  I know that poetry belongs to everybody because it is like any other type of writing and it needs to be read to enjoy the creation of others that have made to express their emotions or their creativity.  I also know that poetry is meant to be seen or written by anyone because there are no rules that say that someone cannot write poetry for any reason we are only limited by our imagination and how we are feeling. No one in the world should be deprived the ability to read what they want or what they want to write in their spear time. I could go to a pages document and just type a freestyle poem, post it online and no could stop me for any reason unless it was illegal.

               The life of a poet influence the way he/she writes and interprets a poem up to that point in their live. One way that a poet's life influence their writing is if they got their dream job they might write a poem that is joyful or gleeful. While if they were experiencing a live traumatizing event and the thought of it made them sad then they might write a poem that is melancholy, gloomy, or dreary.  They might project their life experience subconscious into their writing my putting in a metaphor a character that has lived their life like they have. An example of this is "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost, maybe he made a big live decision that he has to live with now that can either be positive or negative.

-The Jungle
-The Universe
- Extended Metaphor Poem
- Bio-Poem of a Literary Character- Where I'm From Poem
- Two-Voice Poem
- Spine Poem
- Found Poem
- Nonsense Poem

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